Investing with a 5 to 10 year horizon


THE L.T. FUNDS invest only with a 5+ year horizon.

They adopt a GARP buy and hold strategy on a limited number of European or Japanese stocks.

The selection is based on products, corporate strategy and management.

THE L.T. FUNDS do not leverage, trade positions nor deal in derivatives.

Portfolio turnover is extremely low : in average stocks are held for about 9 years.

The objective is to outperform a pre-agreed Total Return Benchmark.

Superior and socially responsible 25-year track record available upon request.

SRI policy available upon request.

The L.T. FUNDS claim compliance with Global Investment Performance Standards.

The Firm is regulated by FINMA, is SEC-registered as Financial Advisor and GIPS-verified* by KPMG.

If your investment horizon in European or Japanese equities is 5 years or more, please feel free to contact us:

J.P. ROLANDEZ, CFA. +41 (22) 301 61 34

THE L.T. FUNDS SA - Rue de Rive 4, CH-1204 Genève

Japanese Equities Research Office: 1-5-2 Nihonbashi Kayabacho, Tokyo, Japan 103-0025



* 1- The L.T. Funds SA is an independant investment management company established in 2004.
2- Additional information regarding the firm's investment policies and procedures for calculating and reporting performance returns is available upon request.
3- The L.T. Funds SA claims compliance with GIPS.

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